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Changiz Lahidji | Green Beret - Army

2:06   |   When Green Beret Changiz Lahidji was in the Philippines during the coup there, he encountered the men of SEAL Team 6. He did not appreciate their swagger.

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Keywords   :     Changiz Lahidji    Green Beret    Special Forces (SF)    Philippines    Corazon Aquino    SEAL Team 6

Videos ( 8 )
Cold War
  • Changiz Lahidji  |  Cold War  |  Green Beret  |  5:12

    Born in Iran, Changiz Lahidji served in the Shah's special forces before emigrating to the US in 1973. Feeling a need to prove himself in his new country, he enlisted in the military.

  • Changiz Lahidji  |  Cold War  |  Green Beret  |  4:58

    The recruiter asked if he really wanted to try for special forces. You're not big enough, he said. Changiz Lahidji, having already served in the Iranian special forces, assured him he was. At jump school, he broke an ankle and didn't let on, but his sergeant knew.

  • Changiz Lahidji  |  Cold War  |  Green Beret  |  4:21

    When Changiz Lahidji reported to Fort Bragg for Green Beret training, one of the team sergeants turned out to be someone he'd met in Iran during joint training with the Shah's Army. He was told he'd better make it through so he could join his team. He made it; the first Muslim to serve in US special forces.

Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan)
Other Conflict
  • Changiz Lahidji  |  Other Conflict  |  Green Beret  |  8:40

    On his first operation, Green Beret Changiz Lahidji went to Afghanistan to help the Mujahideen fight the Russian occupiers. The Iranian embassy takeover led to the second, a daring solo mission into Iran, where he surveilled the embassy. He had to make it out on his own after the aborted rescue attempt. (Caution: strong language.)

  • Changiz Lahidji  |  Other Conflict  |  Green Beret  |  5:56

    It's tough to be a Green Beret. Changiz has broken both legs and dislocated his shoulder, among other injuries. Even the extreme training is dangerous, like the high altitude parachute jumps for which he set a record. He spent time in Haiti and Grenada and was in Somalia when the Blackhawk Down incident occurred.

  • Changiz Lahidji  |  Other Conflict  |  Green Beret  |  6:13

    Former Green Beret Changiz Lahidji reflects on his long career. Not only was he the first Muslim Green Beret, he was also the longest serving special forces soldier in history. They told him he had PTSD. It was news to him.

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