Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Couch | 349th Bomb Squadron, 100th Bomb Group, 8th Air Force - Army Air Corps

6:09   |   The procedure when you ditch in the ocean is for all the crew except the pilots to sit in a line from tallest to shortest to prepare for impact. As the tallest man in the plane, Bill Couch got the worst of it when the plane hit the water. After a night floating in two life rafts, the crew wondered, who would be the first to respond to their SOS? Part 3 of 3.

More From Bill Couch

Keywords   :     William Bill Couch    Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress    bombardier    ditch    Mediterranean    life raft    SOS    Coffee Grinder radio    Sicily    Italy    Germans    Messerschmitt Bf 109 (ME-109)    flying boat

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