Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


B.E. Vaughan | USS O'Brien (DD-725) - Navy

13:09   |   After a nerve-wracking mission to bomb Tokyo and a typhoon, B.E. Vaughan and the destroyer O'Brien suffered a second kamikaze attack which killed all three of his hometown pals who served with him on board. Then, began the grim task of collecting the personal belongings of the dead and preparing them for burial at sea.

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Keywords   :     task force    bomb    Tokyo    carrier    plane    radar    Betty    torpedo    range    typhoon    Okinawa    screen duty    Corsair    burial at sea    yardarm    shrapnel    dog tag    poker    billfold    money

Videos ( 9 )
  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  3:28

    While plowing behind a horse one day, on his family farm in South Carolina, B.E. Vaughan decided he didn't want to be stuck behind that plow forever. "I want to be somebody." So he enlisted alongside three friends who were drafted.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  3:17

    B.E. Vaughan already knew how to drill. In a Home Guard group he'd done well but when he got to boot camp, they executed the "Halt" command a little differently and this led to a little tension with the Drill Instructor.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  5:46

    Shipping out on a newly commissioned destroyer, B.E. Vaughan went straight into the chaos of the Normandy invasion. All around him was "a slaughterhouse," but the crew performed a valuable role as soldiers struggled to get a foothold, knocking out pillboxes on the bluffs.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  3:13

    Setting out from Portsmouth after a short break following the overwhelming experience of D-Day, B.E. Vaughan and the O'Brien joined a task force with the battleship Texas supporting the landing at Cherbourg. Their support was so good that they drew the fire from the Texas onto themselves.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  6:53

    One of B.E. Vaughan's shipmates on the O'Brien went over the hill as they prepared to head to the Pacific, sure that he wouldn't make it back. He walked up the gangplank in Hawaii, though, after a change of heart. In one of their first Pacific actions, they came to the rescue of the USS Ward, whose captain had fired the first shot of the war an hour before the attack on Pearl Harbor began.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  4:16

    It was Condition One Easy, which means B.E. Vaughan could step outside the gun mount and have a smoke. But before he did, everyone started running by and he saw the sailor just outside the hatch look up and "his eyes just about popped out of his head."

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  7:42

    The atomic bombs had ended the war and B.E.Vaughan had the experience he'd hoped for, sailing into Tokyo Bay in dress blues. The things he'd seen haunt him to this day and he wonders how it was that he lived and others died. He recalls the moment when, as a typhoon bore down on his ship, he decided he was ready to die and it was OK.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  3:37

    While still in Tokyo Bay before heading home, B.E. Vaughan was tasked with running the whale boat to shore to transport some personnel. It didn't work out so well.

  • B.E. Vaughan  |  WWII  |  USS O'Brien (DD-725)  |  2:51

    The war was over but B.E. Vaughan faced one more trial, getting home without any money. As in war, those who served looked out for each other.

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