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Paul Berry | Multiple Units - Army

4:35   |   The 514th Ambulance Company got orders for Desert Storm. Medic and driver Paul Berry was ready to go. His experience there would be very different from his experiences in his Army career after he returned.

More From Paul Berry

Keywords   :     Paul Berry    medic    ambulance driver    Desert Storm    West Point Augmentation 90    36th Medical Battalion    Fort Devens    Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)    protocal office    Fort Polk

Videos ( 16 )
  • Paul Berry  |  Other  |  Multiple Units  |  10:07

    Education is something that Paul Berry eagerly embraced in the Army. It got him cushy jobs and kept him out of dirty ones. Especially valuable was the esoteric science known as typing. He also absorbed all the medical knowledge and skills that he could.

  • Paul Berry  |  Other  |  Multiple Units  |  3:29

    Paul Berry was at Fort Polk opening his clinic at 0600. It was just a normal day until someone yelled to put the TV on CNN. As people gathered, the second plane struck the Twin Towers. Then the alarms began to sound around the base. He heard the Sgt. Major yell to get your gear on. Our gear? What are we going to do?

  • Paul Berry  |  Other  |  Multiple Units  |  7:07

    When Paul Berry was driving an ambulance in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm, he had an accident and flipped it over. He was not injured, he thought, and it would be three years before a problem with his neck was discovered. This would eventually cause him to leave the Army.

  • Paul Berry  |  Other  |  Multiple Units  |  7:51

    Paul Berry reflects on what it was like to be gay in the Army. It was not easy, with the witch hunts and the gossip. The Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy was supposed to stop some of that but, in his experience, it didn't help much. He did get a measure of revenge against two NCO's who assaulted him. (Caution: strong language)

Operation Desert Storm
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