Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Britney Alexander | 4th Aviation Unit, 4th Infantry Division - Army

6:23   |   In contrast to Fort Lee, at Fort Hood Alexander found that she did little to no cooking whatsoever so she could prepare to go to Afghanistan. Once she had flown overseas, she was stationed at Shindand Air Base and was tasked with all of the mundane jobs no one else wanted to do, in addition to cooking the food, such as being put on Quick Reaction Force duty.

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Keywords   :     Britney Alexander    Afghanistan    Fort Hood    Fort Lee    training    Shindand Air Base    cooking    field    ROTC(Reserve Officers' Training Corps)    Kandahar    tent    build-up    air base    India    contractor    Nepal    steak and eggs    QRF(Quick Reaction Force)    Maine    Sierra Hall    tent

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