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LTG (Ret) Lawson W. Magruder III | 10th Mountain Division - Army

7:56   |   The 10th Mountain Division deployed to Somalia, where LTG Lawson Magruder worked with his Marine counterpart to secure distribution of humanitarian aid and stop the fighting between rival factions. It was not yet the Information Age, so he and his staff would huddle around a lone satellite phone every evening.

More From LTG (Ret) Lawson W. Magruder III

Keywords   :     Lawson W. Magruder III    Somalia    Fort Drum    Steve Arnold    assault command post (CP)    Marine expeditionary force (MEF)    Mogadishu    Anthony Tony Zinni    Charlie Wilhelm    Pete Pace    communications    satellite phone    Kismayo    Hersi Morgan    Omar Jess    Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

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