Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Don Lacy | US Naval Communications Unit 4 - Navy

7:20   |   Don Lacy was managing a radio shop in Atlanta when he got the notice. The Navy wanted him back on active duty. He was sent to Tripoli to work at a communications facility and it turned out to be good duty.

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Keywords   :     Don Lacy    Atlanta GA    radio    Purdue University    WSB    television (TV)    Tripoli    Libya    married    wife    communications    Saudi Arabia    Roman ruins    Italian    Benito Mussolini

Videos ( 3 )
Cold War
  • Don Lacy  |  Cold War  |  USS Avery Island (AG-76)  |  6:34

    Don Lacy was a radio school instructor when the Navy came looking for technicians to participate in an atomic bomb test. He'd not yet been to sea, so he jumped at the chance. He studied the effects on radio equipment during Operation Crossroads, the detonations at Bikini Atoll.

  • Don Lacy  |  Cold War  |  Multiple Ships  |  6:09

    While participating in the atomic tests at Bikini Atoll, Don Lacy had to change to new clothes frequently because they became so radioactive. The second test was underwater, which contaminated the sea for miles around. His job was to inspect radio equipment on the target ships, so he was fortunate to have no lasting effects on his health.

Photos ( 5 )
  • Operation Crossroads Photographs  |  Cold War  |  Navy  |  5 Photos

    Don Lacy participated in Operation Crossroads, the atomic tests at Bikini Atoll.

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