Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Pearson | 199th Light Infantry Brigade - Army

5:50   |   Platoon leader Bill Pearson sent out a squad to set up a night ambush and when they made contact, it was with a much larger VC force. With the rest of the platoon, he set out to find them and bring them back. When he located the besieged squad, the battle became intense and they were in danger of being wiped out. In a desperation move, he called in artillery on his own position.

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Keywords   :     Bill Pearson    Vietnam    Ambush    Viet Cong (VC)    artillery fire    rice paddy    booby traps    Anthony Romaniello    Kenneth Dougherty    Thomas Olin

Videos ( 11 )
Other Conflict
  • Bill Pearson  |  Other Conflict  |  Multiple Units  |  12:32

    Bill Pearson had been to Vietnam twice and returned unscathed, but the Army wasn't done putting him in danger. He was assigned as an aviation consultant to Iran, advising the Shah's air force on it's supply of American aircraft. The day he arrived, martial law was declared and it wasn't long before there were mobs outside trying to burn down the building. The embassy was no help. Escape seemed impossible.

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