Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Dave Oliver | 37th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron - Air Force

10:49   |   The Air Force rescue crews flying the big helicopters known as the Jolly Green Giants began to get respect among the pilots of other services because they excelled at retrieving downed airmen. Pilot Dave Oliver was on one such mission, which was going badly, when the commander asked if was he willing to go in without waiting for backup. The situation was dire for the men on the ground so the answer was affirmative. He would be awarded the Silver Star for this action.

More From Dave Oliver

Keywords   :     Dave Oliver    helicopter    pilot    Vietnam    A Shau Valley    Golden Triangle    rescue    Sikorsky HH-3 (Jolly Green Giant)    fog of war    Jungle Penetrator    Silver Star    para jumper (PJ)

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