Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Frank Heiny | 15th Public Information Detachment, 25th Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade - Army

5:53   |   A photographer in a warzone will no doubt see their share of violence, and Frank Heiny describes some of the darker photos they took and how they were used against the enemy.

More From Frank Heiny

Keywords   :     Fire Support Base    Intelligence (Intel)    NVA (North Vietnamese Army)    Propaganda    Psychological Operations (Psy Ops)    negative    combat correspondent

Videos ( 10 )
Photos ( 33 )
  • Frank Heiny Photos- Vietnam War  |  Vietnam  |  Army  |  33 Photos

    These photos were taken by Frank Heiny during his time with the 15th Public Information Detachment as a 19 year old combat correspondent.

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