Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Sammy Davis | 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery Regiment, 9th Infantry Division - Army

7:32   |   It wasn't any ragtag Viet Cong, it was a battalion of NVA that was assaulting the artillery battery where Sammy Davis was stationed in the Mekong Delta. After an RPG hit his gun, he regained consciousness and found his position nearly overrun. After firing every round he had, he saw a wounded American on the other side of the river. He knew what he had to do and his actions brought him consideration for the nation's highest military honor, the Medal of Honor.

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Keywords   :     Sammy Davis    Medal Of Honor (MOH)    Vietnam    artillery    Viet Cong (VC)    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    flechette    bee hive    Gwendell Holloway    Billy Ray Crawford    Jim Deister

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