Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Keith Nightingale | 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division - Army

9:55   |   They tried to assign him as a MACV advisor again for his 2nd tour of Vietnam but Keith Nightingale wasn't having it. He knocked on doors and networked until he got the job he wanted as commander of a rifle company. When he got back in country, he found a scene of utter devastation at his unit's base camp in the A Shau Valley. (Caution: strong language.)

More From Keith Nightingale

Keywords   :     Keith Nightingale    Vietnam    advisor    Norman Schwarzkopf    Sidney Bryan Berry    Phu Bai    FNG    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    A Shau Valley    Military Personnel Records Center (MILPERCEN)

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