Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Zach Johnson | 1st Force Reconnaissance Company - Marines

4:17   |   1st Force Recon was an elite and prestigious organization and Zach Johnson was proud to have been a part of it for his Vietnam tour. It was years later before it dawned on him just how dangerous it had been. But he knew that, considering all the training and procedures that special operations teams were involved in, it wasn't near the top of what he calls the Hierarchy of Crazy.

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Keywords   :     Zach Johnson    Reconnaissance (Recon)    Vietnam    William Leftwich    Bill Bonds    Dale Dormond    Special Patrol Insertion Extraction (SPIE)    Frank Reasoner    Medal Of Honor (MOH)

Videos ( 10 )
Cold War
  • Zach Johnson  |  Cold War  |  Multiple Units  |  6:20

    The first job for Zach Johnson after his combat tour was at the Marine Security Guard Battalion, which placed elite Marines at American embassies and consulates. Then it was years at Quantico in various training positions. After his twenty years in the Corps, he went to work for Booz Allen Hamilton doing support work for the Marines.

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