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David Samuels | 135th Assault Helicopter Company, 145th Combat Aviation Battalion - Army

10:36   |   Every night there were gunships on alert in case they were needed. Pilot David Samuels got a call from a ground unit that was under siege from a much larger force of VC and were just about overrun. The weather was too bad to fly but he and his crew agreed to go. Three times, they slogged through the rain and returned to refuel and re-arm and the enemy was chased back into Cambodia. The commander of the rescued unit made sure he was recognized for saving his hide.

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Keywords   :     David Samuels    helicopter (chopper)    pilot    Vietnam    Silver Star    Cambodia    Tay Ninh    gunship    rain    John O'Neal    Viet Cong (VC)    satchel charge    suicide    Jim Matthews    5th Ranger Battalion

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