Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Dennis Haines | C Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 199th Light Infantry Brigade - Army

9:44   |   Dennis Haines had done the reconnaissance on a village at the Mekong River, so he manned the listening post overnight as his unit prepared a cordon operation. He thought he saw movement in a doorway, then a muzzle flash as he took two rounds to the head.

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Keywords   :     Dennis Haines    Vietnam    VC    Viet Cong    base camp    Mekong River    village    Tom Reilly    cordon    listening post    John Miller    RTO    Radio Telephone Operator    muzzle flash    hooch    stretcher    Johnny Fielding    poncho    medivac    AK-47    silhouette    head shot

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