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Jim Benson | I Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division - Marines

6:49   |   On Go Noi Island, a Marine company would secure an area, the bulldozers would clear it up to that point, and the Marines would advance some more. After his company's week was done, Jim Benson was going to warn the relieving officers and Amtrac drivers to take a different trail because he had smelled the enemy's pungent fish sauce on the trail. He was too late.

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Keywords   :     Jim Benson    Vietnam    Go Noi Island    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    bulldozer    Amtrac    listening post    mine    elephant grass    Nuoc Mam    fish sauce    Corpsman    amputation    Sniper    Carlos Hathcock    Phu Loc 6    Bronze Star

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