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Marty Letellier | 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division - Marines

9:52   |   As the Battle of Chosin Reservoir got underway, Marine PFC Marty Letellier found himself trying to tend to some personal business, alone in the dark with tracers flying overhead. Back at Hagaru-ri, his commanding general was ignoring suggestions to move his HQ further up. He knew how badly they were outnumbered by the Chinese and was already preparing for evacuations. Part 2 of 4.

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Keywords   :     Martin Marty Letellier    Korea    diarrhea    tracers    mortar    Hagaru-ri    Edward M. Almond    Douglas MacArthur    Chinese    Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)    cold    frostbite    Chosin Few    Veterans Administration (VA)

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