Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Tom Reilly | Public Information Office, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 199th Light Infantry Brigade - Army

10:30   |   Tom Reilly’s Vietnam service took a new direction when he took an assignment as a war correspondent. He carried a camera along with his rifle, and documented the action for Stars and Stripes and the Army Times.

More From Tom Reilly

Keywords   :     Tom Reilly    war correspondent    camera    Public Information Office    Living Room War    Stars and Stripes    Army Times    booby trap    shrapnel    Vietnam    hospital    VC    Viet Cong    tunnel    bunker    Richard Nixon    NVA    Chu Hoi    medivac    Golden Hour    Claymore mine

Videos ( 7 )
Photos ( 48 )
  • 7th Infantry, 199th Light Infantry Brigade in Vietnam  |  Vietnam  |  Army  |  48 Photos

    In-theater photos taken by Tom Reilly (former infantryman), during his time as a war correspondent attached to the 7th Infantry, give a great firsthand view of what life was like for an infantry soldier and the people of S. Vietnam during the war.

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