Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Crossley | Provisional Artillery Group, I Field Force - Army

7:48   |   His job was to inspect artillery fire bases for security and, right away, Bill Crossley could see the problems. After unclogging supply lines for concertina wire and teaching the gun crews at the first base how to patrol, he decided he needed a better way to get their attention. That led him to a former VC sapper named Nguyen. Part 1 of 2.

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Keywords   :     Bill Crossley    Vietnam    artillery    Gen Arthur Collins    Ace Collins    fire base    inspect    security    Mary Ann    maneuver force    engineer    concertina    stake    Claymore    mine    battery    patrol    ROTC    POW    Nha Trang    Chieu Hoi    Chu Hoi    sapper    Phu Loi    infiltrate

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