Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim and Tuy-Cam Bullington | US Department of State

8:27   |   Jim Bullington's first Foreign Service post was Vietnam. He arrived along with the troops in 1965 and was assigned to the consulate in the old city of Hue. There he met many of the reporters who also followed the soldiers to Southeast Asia and, more importantly, he met Tuy-Cam, a translator at the consulate.

More From Jim and Tuy-Cam Bullington

Keywords   :     Jim Bullington    Tuy-Cam Bullington    Chattanooga TN    Auburn University    Foreign Service    polio    Vietnam    Hue Vietnam    US Department of State    Washington DC    Da Nang Vietnam    Lyndon Johnson (LBJ)    consulate    I Corps    United States Agency for International Development (USAID)    translator    Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)    Quang Tri Vietnam    Thura Thien Vietnam    Quang Tin Vietnam    Quang Ngai Vietnam    reporters    Bernard Kalb    George MacArthur

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