Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim and Tuy-Cam Bullington | US Department of State

5:36   |   Jim Bullington was an aide to Henry Cabot Lodge, ambassador to Vietnam, and this gave him the perspective to see how the US was struggling with the insurgency while winning the big battles. It also gave him a chance to meet many of the important players in the war.

More From Jim and Tuy-Cam Bullington

Keywords   :     Jim Bullington    Tuy-Cam Bullington    Vietnam    Ia Drang Vietnam    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    embassy    Saigon    Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.    ambassador    Foreign Service    William Westmoreland    Hubert Humphrey    Robert McNamara    Tennessee    Boston MA    Henry Kissinger    Hue Vietnam    Harvard University    John F. Kennedy School of Government    Marilyn Hoskins

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