Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim and Tuy-Cam Bullington | US Department of State

6:13   |   Jim Bullington was home from Vietnam but he couldn't forget Tuy-Cam, a translator he'd met in Hue. Plus it was cold in the States so he pulled some strings and got a new post near Da Nang, where she worked at the consulate. During this time, a new program under new leadership was finally paying off, and the counter insurgency effort began to improve.

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Keywords   :     Jim Bullington    Tuy-Cam Bullington    Vietnam    Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.    Da Nang Vietnam    I Corps    Hue Vietnam    Quang Tri Vietnam    Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS)    counter insurgency    pacification    Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT)    Afghanistan    Iraq    Lyndon Johnson (LBJ)    Washington DC    Saigon    Creighton Abrams    William Westmoreland    Ellsworth Bunker    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    Robert William Komer (Blowtorch Bob)

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