Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Bill Cunningham | Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 163 (HMM 163) - Marines

5:23   |   Marine aviator Bill Cunningham's first overseas assignment was at the Naval Air Station in Oppama, Japan, where he ferried troops and flew search and rescue missions. After 14 months, he returned to Pensacola where he became an instructor and honed his skills flying numerous different helicopters.

More From Bill Cunningham

Keywords   :     Bill Cunningham    helicopter    pilot    Naval Air Station Ellyson Field    Marine Corps Air Station Miami    Jim Warner    Naval Air Facility Oppama    Japan    Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw    search and rescue (SAR)    Landing Ship Dock (LSD)    Bangkok Thailand    typhoon    Pensacola FL    instructor    Piasecki H-25 HUP Retriever (HUP)    autorotation    crash

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