Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim Littig | 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division - Army

2:32   |   Newly minted lieutenant Jim Littig was given a Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol unit just as the 82nd Airborne prepared to deploy to Vietnam. His team was highly experienced and even included what could only be described as soldiers of fortune.

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Keywords   :     Jim Littig    long range reconnaissance patrol (LRRP)    sneak and peak    Preston Patrick Dudley Babb    Hong Kong    Faron Ram    Billy Budd

Videos ( 14 )
Photos ( 16 )
  • Jim Littig Collection  |  Vietnam  |  Army  |  16 Photos

    Photos provided by Jim Littig from his time in Vietnam in 1968.

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