Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim Littig | 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division - Army

3:51   |   Jim Littig's unit was a long range reconnaissance patrol outfit but in Vietnam, you didn't need long treks to find the enemy. He details one memorable firefight that started when his men ambushed what they thought were a just a few men fleeing from the Battle of Hue.

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Keywords   :     Jim Littig    Vietnam    long range reconnaissance patrol (LRRP)    Hue    LZ Panther 3    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    Viet Cong (VC)    ambush    shrapnel    Preston Patrick Dudley Babb    The Golden Brigade

Videos ( 14 )
Photos ( 16 )
  • Jim Littig Collection  |  Vietnam  |  Army  |  16 Photos

    Photos provided by Jim Littig from his time in Vietnam in 1968.

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