Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim Littig | Multiple Units - Army

3:56   |   It is important to remember why we were there. To Jim Littig and to President Kennedy, it was a place to take a stand against communism. We were looking for a fight. On a lighter note, he remembers the songs that he heard there and that take him back to that time.

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Keywords   :     Jim Littig    Vietnam    John F. Kennedy (JFK)    communism    Thailand    Cambodia    Gulf of Tonkin incident    Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)    Filipino    band    Don McPherson    Vince Okimoto    Ecuador

Videos ( 14 )
Photos ( 16 )
  • Jim Littig Collection  |  Vietnam  |  Army  |  16 Photos

    Photos provided by Jim Littig from his time in Vietnam in 1968.

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