Preserving The Oral HistorIES of Combat Veterans


Jim Littig | 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division - Army

5:32   |   Near the Cambodian border, some of Jim Littig's men getting water from a creek spotted a few of the enemy and opened fire. They quickly discovered they were adjacent to a camp of several hundred men. The ensuing fight stands out in his mind for a couple of reasons. The first occurred when fresh replacements were dropped off in the middle of the battle. The second was when he wrote up one of his men for a Medal of Honor.

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Keywords   :     Jim Littig    Vietnam    Cambodia    North Vietnamese Army (NVA)    Medal Of Honor (MOH)    rotation    Jack Todd    replacements    Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

Videos ( 14 )
Photos ( 16 )
  • Jim Littig Collection  |  Vietnam  |  Army  |  16 Photos

    Photos provided by Jim Littig from his time in Vietnam in 1968.

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